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Essential Oils: My New Favorite Thing

Recently, my mom heard someone rave about essential oils which made her look up more information about them which had her come across the benefits of them and long story short, I'm now obsessed.

Initially we liked how they helped seasonal allergies and stuffy noses (which everyone in my house is a victim of), but over time we've looked up more and more and are learning a lot about which essential oils help different things.

We've been using eucalyptus for sinuses, and I recently bought peppermint to try (not a fan of the eucalyptus smell). But, my favorite so far has been the lavender to help with stress.

For anyone that doesn't know, I suffer from anxiety and I stress myself out easily too. Lately, when I've been super anxious/stressed I put some drops of lavender oil in the diffuser, turn on the calming slow-changing light, and BAM! I feel calm. Now, I don't know if that's some psychological thing that tricks my brain into feeling calm because that's what's supposed to happen or if it actually works, but whatever is happening I don't really care because it helps.

I wasn't really a believer at first. When I first tried the eucalyptus oil it didn't work so well, it helps but not as much as I wish it would. But one day, I was particularly stressed and upset so that night my mom made up some excuse, took the diffuser from my room, and snuck some lavender oil into it. I woke up the next morning feeling calm and like nothing happened the day before. When she told me she put lavender in it that night it was then that I knew it really worked.

I even bought a little three pack of travel roller ball oils, "De-Stress" to help you, just like it says, de-stress, "Focus" to help you concentrate, and "Head Clear" to clear your mind. I have been using the de-stress one in particular and I have also been loving that.

The main point of this post is to just talk about how much I freaking love essential oils and how I can't wait to try out new ones and find new blends to help with different things.
I have the Ellia brand diffuser (not sure which one exactly, but it's from Bed Bath & Beyond) and I have bought my essential oils from Bed Bath & Beyond and Home Goods.

I have linked some from Amazon if you'd like to get your own (I highly suggest it)

Basically, essential oils are my new favorite thing and I just needed somewhere to say how much I love them.

Disclosure: Links may contain referrals

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