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Making Cakes with the Cake Boss

As a birthday/graduation gift from family friends, I got to go to Carlo's Bakery and learn how to decorate a cake. I LOVE to bake! I bake all of the time and I would consider myself an amature baker/cake decorator so this was a perfect gift for me. I wasn't actually told where exactly where we were going and what we were doing so it was a complete surprise. Right before we got there I was handed a little gift and included in the gift was a picture of a cake and that's when I was told what we were doing. We got to their Lackawanna location and sat in the waiting room while waiting for everyone taking the class to get there. Once everyone arrived we were taken on a little tour and got to see the room where they bake and film, the consolation room, and a giant freezer room where every cake they make, for tv or not, goes into. The best part: they were filming that day! In the room right next to the one we were in. After the tour, we went through the lobster tail room (yes, a room just for lobster tails. YUM!) which led us to the room that our class was in. The girl who was helping us first explained everything, how to work with the fondant, use the machine, make the decorations, all of that useful stuff. After that, she left us to ourselves and we all were free to do what we wanted with the cakes (which were actually pre-made for us). Each class has a certain cake you learn how to decorate and the class my friend chose for us was a flower cake. We had so much fun decorating and choosing how to decorate. Everyone's cakes came out so cute. Once we were done they wrapped them up and we left.

Like I mentioned before, baking is something I absolutely love. I've never had a chance to work with fondant so it was so fun to expand my baking knowledge and skill. It was also such an amazing experience getting to work/see a real kitchen and work with the same tools professionals work with. The class really inspired me and I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Now, I'm just going to say it, we're not the biggest fans of Carlo's Bakery. I prefer other baking shows/bakers and I honestly don't think their things taste very good. I've been to their Hoboken location and their Time's Square location and I an not impressed. I have had the same/similar desserts that they have at other places that were so much better, but, besides my love for baking, my friend and I have an inside joke with Buddy/Carlo's Bakery so in the end, it was a great and much appreciated gift.

Here are some pictures of our cakes (mine is on the left, my friend's on the right)

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