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Finding a job is hard. And annoying. And stressful. It's just one big emotional roller coaster that, currently, feels never ending.

I graduated college in May of 2016. I kind of started my job search in April of 2016. It's now January of 2017 and I still have nothing. First, I wasn't trying TOO hard because I had just finished a very long and draining thesis project (that's another story) and I wanted some relax time before I had my actual graduation ceremony. Then, it was my resume that was the issue. I fixed that problem but I'm still here with no job.

I really hate how you never know what's going on. You send your resume into a black whole on some internet career site and then... nothing. You try and put certain words on your resume or in your cover letter to match some sort of criteria the company is looking for, but other that that you're pretty much left in the dark. You can never really know what someone is looking for unless you're lucky enough to be that one person they want.

I guess what's I'm trying to say in this entire post is that I'm just so tired and annoyed and let down etc. with this whole "job search" thing. I feel like everything I do just leads to a dead end. The few interviews, emails, or phone calls I've gotten haven't lead to anything for various reasons. It also doesn't help that I don't exactly know what I want to do in life. I know a lot of things I don't want but when someone asks me what I want I just draw a blank. I guess blogging and doing YouTube and Social Media full time would be my absolute dream but we obviously have to be realistic here and keep those as hobbies for now (maybe one day...).

Anyway, to sum up this mess of a blog post, I guess I just need a place to vent. I know no one reads this but in the hopes of someone in the same position as me comes across this post, it would be really awesome for you to share your story or some advice just so I know I'm not alone. It's so easy to feel alone in this when so many people around you and who you graduated with are succeeding and doing things to help their future and then there you are sitting on the couch searching for jobs and sending out resumes still stuck in a (shitty) retail job.

Thanks to whoever reads this. Hopefully sometime in the future I'll write a post about my job search tips or something like that...

For now, here are my social media links so go follow me and subscribe :)

Youtube: www.youtube.com/ChristinaRED
Twitter: www.twitter.com/caa1317
Instagram: www.instagram.com/christinaayt

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