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Book Review: Anna, Lola, and Isla

I haven't done a book review I'm a while and since I'm finally finished reading this series (I guess that's what you could call this) I thought I'd share what I thought about these three books.

Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

Overall I really enjoyed all of them. I read Anna and the French Kiss first, then Lola and the Boy Next Door, and finally Isla and the Happily Ever After. That's the order in which they were written, and technically chronological order of the stories, but you can read them in whatever order you want to since they are all technically individual stories.

So first: Anna and the French Kiss

I absolutely loved this book! It was my favorite out of all three. This is about a girl named Anna and her parents send her to a boarding school in Paris (SOAP) for her senior year of high school. She doesn't want to go at first but after making some friends and becoming more comfortable with the city and its culture she starts to really enjoy it and she also discovers she's falling for one of those friends, St Clair.

It did take me a bit longer to read this (thanks to school), but it was such an easy read and I flew through it when I really got into it (or was able to read for a long time). It's kind of addicting, all of these books are. There were some times when I thought it was a little on the cheesy side and also there were some unrealistic things relationship wise, but it's a story so it's understandable, but other than that I thought it was pretty relatable and written really well. This was my favorite book out of all three.

Second we have: Lola and the Boy Next Door

This story it about a girl named Lola, who lives in San Fransisco, is in high school, and is currently dating an older boy, Max. She had her heart broken by her neighbor and former crush, Cricket. Cricket and his family moved away but has just returned and it's all about Lola's feelings for him coming back and her struggling with her emotions and thoughts about him.

Just like with Anna and the French Kiss, there were also times when I thought it was too cheesy and unrealistic but it is a book so that didn't really make me dislike it. I didn't like it as much as the previous although I did enjoy reading it just as much. I was able to fly through this one because I read it as I finished classes so I had more free time and I read it in about three/four days.
Max annoyed me throughout the entire book. He was very rude to Lola's friends and sometimes even Lola, and he had a lot of jealousy and trust issues for reasons we don't know of. I really disliked him the entire book. Other than him, I liked all of the other characters and thought they all really helped tell the story

Last is: Isla and the Happily Ever After

This book follows Isla and Josh, who attend the same school SOAP) that Anna does in the first book, through Isla's initial crush on Josh and their realtionship and the ups and downs of it.

Although this was my least favorite book out of the three, I still really enjoyed it and couldn't put it down. I did think Isla and Josh's relationship grew pretty fast, but it's a book so it's understandable. Also, at first I thought the reason Isla was mad and their break up was kind of out of the blue, but in the last few chapters it's explained and you really understand why. I loved how it included Josh, Anna and St Clair's friend from the first book and my favorite part was at the end when most of the characters from the first and second books came together at the end. I thought it was slightly strange that Anna and St Clair got engaged but it was adorable and I loved reading it.

I think the thing I liked most about all of these books was the fact that they were three separate books but at the same time all relating to each other and the stories connecting and intertwining. Anna and St Clair are friends/co-workers with Lola, Josh (St Clair and Anna's friend from SOAP) is Isla's love interest, and then they all become friends at the end. All these stories are separate but still one series and I loved being able to hear more about the characters I loved from the previous book in the next.

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