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Pinot's Palette

Recently I went to one of those painting and drinking classes and it was such a fun experience that I had to post about it!
My mom and I have been thinking of going to one of these for a few months now. We tried to go in the fall but never got a chance. Then we were trying to pick a day to go during Christmastime until my dad told me he had already bought gift cards for a class for my mom and I to give to her on her birthday (which is right after Christmas). We picked one of the Valentine's Day paintings, got my friend and her mom to join, and the four of us booked the class.
Everyone else was slightly nervous about how the picture was going to turn out but I kept saying "No, it's ok! It'll be hard to mess it up!"... I was half wrong about this...

First of all, let me just say, this place was so cute! They had all of the different paintings on the walls and when you got to your table there was your own easel with your canvas, all of your paint and supplies, and your name was written right on the (chalkboard) table. We started with the background, which was just basically painting the entire canvas grey so it was pretty simple. A little bit of black blending in here... white here... simple. Then we had to add the raindrops. Not so simple anymore. After finishing the background we took a break and then moved on to the hard part, the people. As someone who goes to art school, everyone was expecting me to be able to do this part with no issues. The only problem is, I'm in art school for interior design not fine art or anything like that so I have do have issues drawing people. Luckily these peopler are more on the abstract side and don't have any detail to them so it wasn't as bad as I thought. The woman teaching the class had us draw them in separate, simple shapes which really helped. Starting with the umbrella, then the woman, and finally the man. I didn't mess up too much (although I'm not very happy with the girl's legs) until I started the man. I made made him a little too wide for my liking and now he's large on top with skinny legs. Not how I wanted it exactly but it could've been a lot worse.

Overall, we all had a great time and are already talking about going back. I highly suggest getting some friends together and going to one, whether it's a Pinot's Palette like we went to or another one, it's a lot of fun!

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