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January Favorites

As a big YouTube watcher, one type of video I really like to watch are favorites videos. I like see what other people's essentials are to get new idea for things I would like to try. Since I don't make YouTube videos I thought I'd do the same thing on here. So here are some things I've been loving during the month of January.

First I'll start off with the more beauty-type products. I haven't really tried too many new beauty products. Although I do love to try out new things, I really haven't done that this month (I'm trying to reduce my spending so that's one reason why). These beauty things were bought more out of need than want.

I always have super dry lips. I don't exactly know why, it could be the fact that I don't drink enough water (working on it) or that my usual chap sticks aren't moisturizing enough or a combination of both so I've been needing a really good, moisturizing chap stick. I decided to go with the Carmex brand one because it looked like a pretty heavy duty chap stick and, let me just tell you, this stuff is amazing. Within the first week that I bought it, I using it during the day and also at night and my lips were healed! I wear this almost every single day and I definitely recommend it for anyone, especially during these colder months.

My next, and last, few beauty items are makeup brushes. I'm not an expert with makeup so I'm still experimenting and trying out new/different things. Lately I've been hating the way I've been applying my makeup with my Sephora brushes. I used to use the foundation brush and it just did not work in the way I was hoping. I've heard of Real Techniques before and I've even owned their power brush for a few months now so I decided to stop into my local Harmon and see which other types of brushed they had. I ended up buying the Real Techniques blush and expert face brush and I love them both! The blush brush applies my blush a lot better than my Sephora one and the expert face brush blends all of my face products really well. They're also about half the price of Sephora brushes so I will definitely be buying more.

Not sure if this is considered beauty, it's more in the fashion category but I always put beauty and fashion together. Anyway, I've recently feel in love with watches. I've always disliked them but somehow something clicked this month and I just really wanted a watch. A few years ago, I actually won a Sasha Rhett watch from the Gossip Girl twitter and I never wore it. I just kept it in case I wanted to wear it sometime (and it was also worth around $250/$300). But, in the end, just wasn't my style and, like I said before, I didn't like watches. So I finally gave it to my mom and then went to Kohl's to buy one I actually liked. I decided to get one at Kohl's because they were cheap and I didn't want to invest in something that I wasn't sure I was going to like or not. Turns out I really love the watch I got (so much I went back and bought another one) and I've been wearing one every day since. The first one I got was the white "leather" band one with a rose gold face and a rose gold to silver glitter gradient face. As you can tell in the picture, I've really worn this one out (it's also a cheaper watch so I didn't expect it to hold up very well with me wearing it every day). The next one I got is the silver metal one. I wanted this style because I feel it's more durable than leather bands and I didn't want my other one to get destroyed so quickly so I wanted to be able to switch on and off every day. I've found that I love these so much that I'm actually looking into getting a nicer brand one. Kate Spade maybe?

The next, and last, three things I have are books. I've gotten quite a lot of books this month (and for Christmas, but close enough) and these are the ones I've really been loving.

This month I read Girl Online by Zoe Sugg (aka Zoella) and I already posted a review of that so all I'll say in this post is I really loved it and you should definitely read it.

Another that I've been loving is, ironically, another YouTuber's book. This time, again ironically, it's Alfie Deye's Pointless Book. I know I'm a little late with this but I've never really had these types of books. I've always wanted to try Wreck This Journal but never actually bought one. When I heard Alfie was coming out with one I decided I wanted to get his. I finally bought it right after Christmas and I started it this month and have been loving it. It's a lot of fun and I've been enjoying doing it a little at a time. I like how some pages are for you to do with a friend, which will be very good for an upcoming trip with two of my friends.

The next book is actually a coloring book. I got this for Christmas and, although I haven't coloring too much (trying to save most of it for my upcoming trips this year), I absolutely love it. I know, I know, the whole adult coloring book thing is just a fad, but honestly I've always loved coloring and they're also good for stress. I have anxiety and get stressed easily so this will definitely come in handy when I'm feeling very anxious. I also love that this one is travel themed, which I'm doing a lot of this year and it's just making me super excited for what's to come.

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