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Girl Online Review

I recently finished reading Girl Online by my favorite YouTuber, Zoe Sugg, and I absolutely loved it.

I know I'm pretty late with reading this but when it came out I already had other books I was in the middle of reading and, for some reason, I took forever to read them. But I finally got around to reading (and finishing) it.

It was such a cute and quick read. First of all, I loved the story of this book because it's nothing like I've ever read before. The main thing I loved was how Zoe made the main character, Penny, have anxiety. Anxiety is something I deal with and none of the books I've ever read have talked about anxiety or panic attacks and I think having books like this can really help people with anxiety feel less alone (and also have tips on how to deal with it, which, is something I really particularly liked about Girl Online) and help people who don't have anxiety understand what people who have it go through.

I'm always up for a good, cute romance in a book. I really liked both Penny and Noah and though they were cute together and had a good relationship. I did think their relationship went a little fast twoards the beginning, but twoards the middle I felt like it got better and balanced out a bit. Although the whole "he's actually a rock star with a pretend girlfriend" story was a little predicable I really did enjoy it and seeing how Penny dealt with it. And, of course, I loved the ending and how he came to Brighton to see her!

I also really loved the relationship between Elliot and Penny. Penny and Elliot were typical best friends and I could definitely relate to them with me and my best friend. I loved how their relationship was a little rocky at parts but even when Penny basically thought it was over she still helped him when he was down. I loved how supportive her and her family were to Elliot during his troubles at home (also liked how Zoe touched on those issues).

Another thing I liked was how they were in New York City for most of the story. I'm from here and I love reading books set here so I can follow along and know exactly where the characters are, rather than in the UK where I've never been (not that that's a bad thing). I also usually read books by American authors where the characters talk/do things the way we do them here in America so it was fun to read about British characters and the way they talk.

Overall, like I mentioned before, this is a very quick read and its just a cute and relatable story. I definitely recommend it to anyone.

I just for a signed copy (!) of Girl Online On Tour which I'm so excited to read soon!

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