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Senior Thesis

I don't know if I've mentioned it before but currently I'm in school for interior design and I'm about to graduate which means it's time for me to finish my thesis projects.
If you don't know what an interior design thesis is basically we spent an entire school year design one project. That's a really long time to dedicate to one project since for the past three years, we've done two to three project per semester.

In the beginning of the year I started off designing a subway station and it was a struggle. Designing a subway station is leaning more twoards architecture or landscape design which is not something I like. Also, my two professors were not the most helpful or nice people so I struggled a lot. Later on, around October/November, I ended up changing my project to designing a recreational center for teens in my hometown. It's something that most people have always wanted and we don't have anything like it and it's something we really need.

So, all year we spent designing the interior and exterior, then picking out materials for the space, then we designed a display for our big gallery showing, then, finally, we put everything together.

The displays are made up of cardboard boxes, although some people chose to do some different things. This is only the second year they did the senior gallery show like this, previously they did simple banners but the head of our department wanted something more after seeing another school's show and these cardboard box displays were the solution. Personally, in the beginning they seemed really cool and customizable but building them and preparing to build them was so annoying. I wanted to paint and others wanted to cut their boxes and some people wanted to something completely different, but that's a little difficult to do in our small studio space. Most of the production happened at the gallery the weekend before our big presentations. Thankfully my display wasn't too difficult but one of my friend's designed a completely different display from everyone else and since other people were busy with their own work, and we were "partners" (meaning our displays are next to each other) so I helped him build his. It took all of the two days we were allowed to set up and everything was built with cardboard, tape, and glue (and also some blood, sweat, and tears). Yes, there are some problems with them, they can't be 100% perfect, but in the end they are pretty impressive and it is cool to see your designs come to life. 

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