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Easter Baking!

I know this is a little late (sorry!) but I still wanted to share the things I made for Easter, which was this past weekend.

First of all, I was watching Tangled while I was baking, which I think is a must.

Anyway, a few weeks ago my mom had found an Easter cake on Pinterest that she thought was cute and suggested I make it. In my family we kind of have two Easter celebrations, with my dad's side of the family on Holy Saturday and with my mom's side on Easter Sunday (and no my parents aren't divorced). I was supposed to make this cake for both days but some things happened to the first one (pretty sure I over mixed it and for some reason it stuck to the pan) and I had to improvise so to save it I turned it into cake pops. In the end my mistake ended up being a hit and everyone enjoyed them more than the actual cake! Sometimes mistakes can lead to good/better things.

This is the recipe for the cake (I only used the cake, I didn't make the frosting)
(Also used lemon pudding in the middle instead of the cream cheese frosting in the recipe)

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