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My Experience (So Far) With Udacity's DMND Program

What do you do when you feel stuck in your current job? You look for a new one. That would be the obvious
answer, right? Well, what happens when you can not advance because you don’t have the right education?

For the last two years of college, I knew I wasn’t in the right program. I never really loved what I was doing
and it just never felt right. I stuck with it and got my BFA in Interior Design but I didn’t want a job in interior
design. Eventually I found a job as an office manager with the promise of learning marketing, something I
found to be more interesting to me and what I actually did want to learn. After a year of having this job I
was told that I wouldn’t be able to learn marketing there so, after feeling really down on myself, I had to
come up with a new solution. I felt like I had to go back to school, but that wasn’t possible since I still have
to work. I need a program where I can get some type of degree or certification that would allow me to work
in the field. I looked into a few online courses but they either didn’t fit into my schedule or were too expensive.
That is, until a friend of mine suggested the Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree Program! The DMND
Program is an easy way to learn digital marketing using real world experience. It’s easy to learn at your own
pace and there are many resources to go to if you need help. This program is ideal if you have a full time job
but just need that little push to advance or change your career.
Not only did I sign up for this program for my career, I also thought it would help me advance my hobby: YouTube.
I love making YouTube videos but have not had the growth I would’ve liked to have by now. This program is also
teaching me how to market my own channel and help get my videos out there.

Although I am not yet finished with the program, from what I’ve done so far it has taught me a lot and
I’m excited about what’s to come. I feel as if once I’m finished I will gain the knowledge of marketing that
I need to advance in my career.